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How to deal with a slow computer,

It became necessary to have a device and at least one computer in every home, so the Internet has become very important in the life of the individual, where the computer without Internet becomes useless, are internet connected through the "router," which has recently spread from wireless type, which allows the existence of a network "Wi-Fi" at home, and offer important tips to overcome the slow pace of the Internet and maintain Router.

Here are five tips to overcome this problem.
 1. router should be placed in an elevated and spacious place to cover the largest possible area.

  • . Update adjust the router and get a new copy of the program. 3. Avoid placing the router next to devices that are issued signals, such as radio interference so that does not happen.

 4. You must change your password every time, user name, so that no one sneaks into your network and the use of the Internet, which slows down the service. 5. It may be the reason for the slow pace of the Internet is not Alroatr device, but it may be your computer where the problem or defect must address this problem.

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