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20 way of working to strengthen the brain

Best ways to increase brain power include listening to music, and reduce the pressure and a good sleep and exercise and to teach others and to seek new skills and solving some mental puzzles, reading, or break the routine or handwriting whoa sex and change your diet eating chocolate and celery and beets, nuts, and spinach and bananas and turmeric.
Brain power: -

Humans and their ancestors have benefited millions of years ago massive functions of the brain. Such as self-consciousness, cognition, reasoning, memory, save the knowledge, and many of the cerebral activities that led us to where we are now. But this is not sufficient for everyone! The truth is that we do not approach a lot of power carried by brain processes. And like any muscle it may get out of control and has been lazy. And certainly some of the habits and behaviors identified may adversely affect the ability of the brain to activate all his energies.

The brain is a computer into a huge much better your Apetkrnah who in fact - so we have to make sure that all its parts are working well. Make sure that the good integration of foodstuffs and which protects the brain from damage while ensuring the continuity of the flexibility of the brain muscle, and thus may make sure that our knowledge is still effective. We can pay our borders through the mental habits of behavioral, psychological, and physical and food, most things are out! Let's take a closer look at the way the twentieth support their brain power: -
Here are the most prominent ways to strengthen the brain: -

1. Exercise: - There is a strong link between physical exercise and increased brain power. The starting hormone endorphins during Atmaren positively affects everything from blood flow to the energy levels Vihdoa all to give the brain specifically support after 30 or 50 minutes of exercise.
2. Celery: - One of the best food for the brain and the least popular of which are packaged in Alutilonen celery, a complex interconnected to prevent neurological setback. This article powerful do so to prevent inflammation cytokine found in the brain, which slows down the beginning of the age-related memory loss.
3. drought: - Water is the key to human health, it also plays an important role in knowledge too! To maintain our bodies wet we support metabolic function better and balanced distribution of energy through the cells, organs Ki allow our brain to work with all his ability. But if the body Jeff Van cognitive function recorded a significant reduction in performance.
4. dark chocolate: - all agree that chocolate thing absolutely delicious, but also good for the brain. Get some materials, such as caffeine and theobromine and dark chocolate may increase short-term knowledge. Above all, the cocoa contains tons of antioxidants, which protects the brain from cognitive deficiency.
5. Challenge your brain: - Solve problems cerebral difficult, solving crossword puzzles with some difficult mental activities, all of that may stimulate the brain to recover ancient memories and knowledge that parts stored away out in the elements of the brain. To enter those areas and Skip thinking outside the box, all the difficult issues and puzzles will help to expand the power of the brain.
6. Bananas: - has always been known as a banana as a brain food, and the main reason for this is due to potassium, which is a vasodilator, which also reduces the pressure on the blood vessels and increases blood flow, which in turn increases the oxygen in the body. High levels of potassium in bananas can retain all the staff of the brain active and effective.
7. Find new interests: - the formation of new ways of knowledge is one of the best methods of prevention of cognitive deficiencies and may delay the occurrence of some of the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and dementia. When attacking sheets Alradriqz brain, it closes the mental passages but up new themes and different interests push your brain to adapt and think of new ways piety Hbth nerve connections remain strong and the brain.
8-spinach: - There are large quantities of nitrates in spinach as well as a number of antioxidants and essential nutrients that prevent the side effects of deposits on the brain, and which also inhibit the growth of tumors and cancer.
9-sufficient sleep as much as: - need minds to rest, like objects as well. Especially after pass Activity mental Asir (pass the test or discuss a complex subject), our brain will take them time to recover and re-shipped the same again. Studies have shown that the individual who was given a sufficient degree of comfort has the strongest ability to focus attention and preservation of knowledge, even if this means he will receive a nap in the middle of the day.
10-vaccine: - we may not get used to the idea of ​​eating the vaccine, but I continued to eat the vaccine in your diet the amino acid and proteins and other mineral substances will increase the ability and capacity of your brain. It will also confirm that the survival of the energy levels at the highest level throughout the day.
11. Reduce stress levels: - Many people exposed their bodies to pressure from the bodies most likely to carry the dangerous compounds. While the stress hormones are absolutely necessary for survival, but the chronic pressure means that these hormones are present in the body continuously, leading to brain fatigue, or perhaps its destruction. For example, the cortisol may adversely affect Alchrihh structure of the brain (the brain area responsible for short-term memory). In other words, if you pressed you will not have the ability to progress or remember things well.
12-beet: - always comes to talk about health related to levels of nitrates, but you will not understand why. After taking nitrates for these vehicles continue to reduce inflammation in the body, and strengthen blood vessels and pumping oxygen in the brain, resulting in a lifting of the functional ability and brain power.
13. A lot of reading: - seem to diminish the popularity of reading, but it will still be one of the best ways to find new ideas and keeping knowledge and skills to strengthen the focus. If possible, you read a book or two books a week to make sure the mind is always burning.
14. Nuts: - the brain needs a number of articles in order to remain healthy, including vitamins, minerals and fatty acids Omega. Walnut is one of the easiest sources which they receive a vitamin E and fatty acids, and who work together to protect the brain from the effects of mass in the side of depositions.
15. break the routine: - if you feel that your life is subject to a routine, know what the brain will undergo the same routine, energy and attention to transform some of the topics on a regular basis without departing from its borders to discover new ideas and principles. Break the routine (walking in the back by a different route to work, a new hobby on holiday last week's experience, or even to identify the stranger) you can renew your mind and make you adapt to new experiences.
16. Turmeric: - Although most of the herbs and spices used to give flavor to food, especially turmeric, which has many uses. For example, turmeric contains curcumin, the active ingredient which strengthens memory and cognition, but it also reduces inflammation, which in turn prevents the occurrence of serious diseases.
17-listening to music: - Research has shown that listening to music from the easiest and most influential ways that stimulate mental energy. The music affects certain parts of the brain. Listen to music while doing any activity that strengthens the brain's ability to do multiple tasks and do them all at the same time, the thing that many people are struggling to do.
18. handwriting: - in the modern era to write on computers and Altablat and may seem to write using the old hand and neglected, but no one denies that writing something in your handwriting helps to stabilize Remember one thing in the brain and in the memory. So we note that students registered for the Notes helps them to retain information, and so they hear it and see it and then Idonoha, which promises to do a lot of business knowledge at the same time.
19. laugh more than usual: - laughter is the amazing way in which kicks off with the hormone endorphins in the body, as studies have shown that laughter stimulates innovation. If you feel that your mind and staggered out of work, you just laugh and let your body the usual chemicals enhance brain power!

- Sex "married" - you might not expect to see this in the list of the strengthening of brain power, but the race strong positive effects on the body. When having sex stems both serotonin and oxytocin and both are linked so conducive to creativity and problem-solving and logical thinking.

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