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Algik marriage is not like any marriage (marriage unusual concerts)

Have you ever heard before about marriage Algik ?? Algik is an English word nerds professionally styled a certain thing whatever that thing in technology, chemistry, space Thtervh anything nor do the other can be your name Jake. These nerds who get together when the road of marriage produces unusual marriage ceremonies can not you see it every day.
1. correlation to melt:
Kathy Piller and John Janik pedophiles exhibits a science and as they shared something between their characters have decided to Ejehllagha symbol of their love and decided to marry Edmjaha at a party. They therefore in the wedding party status symbol of the volcano, instead of cake and each wearing a pair of protective chemical reactions and placed Alkhalma baking soda solution - bicarbonate Alsodiom- to begin exciting lava interaction to be the beginning of a life filled with love and companionship.
2.hvlh marriage with zero gravity:
That you and your wife of nerds astronomy and space can make your party on the moon, so be the first marriage ceremony in zero gravity, but David did not come up on the moon, and even resorted to the one involved in the US space companies has designed device gives them a free fall inside part of the Boeing aircraft 727 so that gives them some moments during the marriage in zero gravity
3. flamboyant dress unusually:
If you are looking for a unique wedding makes you shining in the night life dress. This dress design company in DreamLux by artist Federico Sanjaala which he is the author of the ingenious blend of silk organza and optical fibers so that raises the light bright light beautifully. This optical IAF has a small LED with small batteries invisible maintain its glory and of course Jake electronics and technical
4. microcosm of the couple:
Printing technology to develop three-dimensional every day dramatically show the many techniques. This Alzojit decided to be an unusual wedding cake so resorted to Twindom company which operates in the field of three-dimensional printing to manufacture their wedding cake. Indeed, the company has it taken so that the cake made a mirror image of the couple dramatically. I think this is a good area for manufacturing later
5. Technology holograms:
Loving couple three-dimensional technology has decided to be a video documentary of their wedding ceremony using three-dimensional technology has already filmmaker manipulates the viewer so that it becomes a three-dimensional video watch, even if not wearing glasses
6. placed on cloud computing:
In this case, the couple decided to use the internet and cloud computing a development expected in 2015 dramatically technologies. The couple decided to have their own book of congratulations somewhat different. Where he resorted to a technical professional designer has designed their own QR code and a special application is installed on smart phones for the visitors is that the QR scan Viih their application is written congratulations to the newlyweds

7. Movie Museum at night:
I think that many have seen the movie Museum at night, which was moving the exhibits inside the museum at night like a beard. Here the couple decided to spend the night at the museum in downtown Chicago to celebrate Bsvavhma
8. Use drone:
This photo was not taken by a professional photographer never even been using a small Teshrat drones that are handled wirelessly usually contain a camera, which has to take this picture of the couple
9. Android:
Japanese couple bridesmaid instead of using each of the humans from their friends Astaana robot I-Fairy, where he felt more suitable for their condition
10. Star Wars movie:
The couple loves Star Wars movie so they have taken a joint Kkkasem and packages for their love and made him the essence of the wedding

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