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banana benifits

Banana fruit popular with young and old alike, it is food and treatment at the same value, too many benefits, and methods of multiple use.
banana benifits

We will give you a set of tips and facts regarding bananas and benefits, as well as some common damage to be more relevant briefing.

The historical context of a banana:
It should be noted that the first appearance of a banana was in the State of India, but some believe that the origin Malaysian, these fruit known since the birth of Christ, as defined in the New World in 1516 AD, the height of the banana tree Faisal to 20 meters, so it tops the list tallest trees in the world, to bear fruit once a year.
This fruit grows in abundance in Asia in general and West Asia in particular, thanks to the Muslims to move to Europe, where they called (banane)

General benefits of bananas for the body:
* Classified among the most fruits rich in calories.
* It contains a range of vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants.
* Sugars that are available to a quick and easy absorption (such as fructose ...), so I dealt with athletes to provide them with quick energy.
* It contains a significant proportion of soluble fiber.
* Plays an important role in strengthening the immune system because it contains antioxidants.
* Him of enormous calm the nerves and reduce depression.

Benefits banana hair:
The banana is used widely for individual and soften the bristles.
Preparation: Mix the banana peel easy easy way, it is enough that the exfoliative one kilo of bananas fruit, then doctrinaire on the drying rays of the sun, and after that dry up and changes color from yellow to black well Asahekayaa to get fit for mixing black powder. Then mix the quantity that you need them (depending on the length of your hair) with three tablespoons of mayonnaise and 5 tablespoons of olive oil and 5 tablespoons of oil Khere, after mixing all these elements You will get a mixture similar to the dye, classless mixture on your hair like you Tsbganh, then try help of a comb to mainstream the mixture over the entire hair, leave the mixture on your hair for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm devoted to hair straighteners, shampoo, use this mixture twice a week, and after the first month Madadi the passage of time to become once every week, and for best results, try to stay away from the use electric dryer to avoid rough hair coat and leave to dry on its own.

The benefits of the banana holder:
* Bananas can help calm the stomach and feed the baby and reduce nausea and transmit pleasure in the body.
* It can be used to get rid of acidity.
* Ensure the birth of a child in the ideal temperature by lowering the body temperature.
* Calms the nerves and regulates the level of glucose in the blood, the thing that calms the pain and improves mood.

Benefits of the banana skin:
Banana enters in the preparation of many cosmetics, will not exaggerate if we say that it is the most widely used fruit in cosmetics and skin care and hair industry, and in order to contain significant amounts of vitamins B6, C and which keeps the elasticity of the skin.
To make a simple and secure mask enough to Thersi quantity of bananas in a pot and then salt added a teaspoon of white honey and a teaspoon of sweet almond oil, mix the ingredients well and put them on your face in the form of mask after washing, leave it on the face for a quarter of an hour, then rinse and Stendhishan results.

Some banana damage:
* A single grain of bananas a day is enough, but if you eat more than Hptin often will be your destiny to the doctor's office or bathroom (toilet Oazkm God).
* Eat bananas on hunger causes colic and acute pain.
* It said about bananas that it is not desirable to eat during the menstrual cycle because it is viscous and could cause some problems on the level of the uterus (Mtbuth information is scientifically).

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