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Who is the ideal husband  of his wife?

That every man looking for a woman who finds it will be the perfect wife for him and in return also every woman looking for a man who will act as the pair perfect her, therefore For every man that is trying hard to be a pair ideal carry out its duties and its responsibility to the fullest and if you do not know how to become an ideal husband in the eyes of your wife so read on with us until you identify the pair ideal specifications

1. interest is more important than love
Must dear spouse if you want to become a pair ideal to know the value of the interest and attention of the most important images of love, but the lack of attention to kill love and therefore must be careful to take your wife in every sense of love and attention and ensure that Tzhrk your interest and everything operated always and thus we find that the attention of the most important keys love to be that keen on well

2. must be characterized by masculinity always be a man sense of the word
Of the most important what interests women and stir her feelings is to find that her husband gives her all the safety meanings and bear responsibility for them always help her n traverse any problem stand in its way this way you will be able to earn your wife and be in its consideration of a man sense of the word and therefore always try to be in the Your wife looked brave knight is always brave to take responsibility and face any problem
3. Jamlha always both with the two of you or in front of others
You must remember the words of love and praise and thanksgiving and courtesy always for your wife because it made her feel exaggerated have especially if you mention its beauty and praised the Snaaha in front of others, that made her feel that you are actually interested in and appreciates and would like everyone to look with appreciation and respect for your spouse and so I always try to remember the positive aspects of your spouse and both you and Hdkma or in front of others
4. Never work project or exercise certain hobby with them
Of the most important factors that increase the degree of love and closeness and understanding between the couple to be between them something Mstarca Whether it's a new work unites them together, or was it through the practice of sport or a particular hobby and therefore try always my dear husband to the creation of new ideas Tjmek with your spouse out and make sure the outlook you will vary and be quite positive
5. Do not be thick with them
Must be thin and nice when your dealings with your spouse and remember you are not dealing with a friend or colleague, but you are dealing with female thin and weak and therefore there is no need to be thick or rigid and tough when your dealings with your spouse, but always be sure to be at the top of tenderness and kindness in your dealings with your wife will be able to enter the heart and increase the degree of her love for you dramatically

6. Be romantic to the hilt with your spouse
Of the most important pair perfect features is to always be romantic with his wife and some of the men did not know how he can be romantic with his wife and this is not difficult at all so that through the simple steps you will be able to capture the heart of your spouse is the most important of these things is that you leave the paper has, for example, tell her her that you love her and so beloved, brought her flowers, brought her gifts favorite has always been especially jewelry, set up her food in your spare time, took her to dinner outside the home, or take them to the hiking in the beautiful place you love, and so it is through simple acts you can pair very perfect and romantic also be
7. as the needs of your spouse
Does not meet your wife is always flout requests or underestimated but be destined always to their needs, whether this requirement needs significant or need material nor reject their requests are always under the pretext that he did not benefit them but try to play to meet the requirements and desires of the wife is always especially if you are capable to achieve these desires to her
8. Understanding the special relationship
Some men do not care about only fulfill his wishes only and does not care about the psychological situation or desire of the wife and this is totally wrong as the exercise of the special relationship requires that there be a desire on the part of both spouses and prepared myself well and therefore For every successful couple that is trying hard to promote understanding in this The relationship between him and his wife
9. Keep your relationship with her family
It is very Insomniac for women not to be between the husband and the family of Understanding Therefore try that your relationship is with the people of good and balanced the wife does not allow them to interfere too much in your life does not go your relationship and you visit them at the same time, but try to be your relationship with the people of the wife and good Outidh relationship because that would mean a lot for wife
10. Do not make your business takes them
Some couples are busy at work for long hours even on the day of the holiday and this of course is annoying every wife therefore try my dear husband to juggle between your business and the time you spend with family at home because of the right of the wife and children to have their share of your time is always the husband is the ideal that can reconciling home and work
11. Do not be nervous or angry all the time
Also, some couples always going to be nervous and angry when they sit inside the house and this is wrong and makes a wife hates living man in the house and therefore try to be the time you spend at home with the wife and children and a nice time free of any neurological or anger
By following the above tips will be able to Dear husband of being a wonderful man and husband ideal in the eyes of your spouse, try as much as possible to follow these tips so you can live a happy and carefree married life also

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