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5 satellite incidents formed the modern era

You will not believe when you know that there is a satellite crashes due to some errors in the sciences, where not devoid of Sciences of errors even Aloktherha ugliness and Aloqlha especially in anticipation of the exact calculations conducted by NASA scientists during and before and after any outside experience into space but after all these errors, which, of course, left the victims of the best astronomers at NASA.
It was a flaw in the manufacturing defects within a responsible parts of the landing vehicle. Know Voskhod 2 flight as the first Russian first successful trip to travel to space in history. Was doing the job of two of the best Russian pilots Pavel Belyayev and Alexey Leonov was Leonov is to leave the vehicle for 12 minutes in order to be floating in space outside the vehicle, however the disaster that made the industry defect Amanana automatic landing occurred which pilots had to use manual landing in dense forest away 300 kilometers from the designated area for landing pilots survived but is not recognized by the whole place to spend a night in the degree of convergence of freezing temperatures
2. Soyuz 1 April, 1967:
The imbalance in the parachute failed during landing. The flight was launched on board, Colonel Vladimir Komarov died, unfortunately, when he could not open the main Almazlten and backup was Mutth a result of the many mistakes that were suffered by the system during the testing process, which was to report it through the supervising engineers on the project, but has been neglected by the leaders of the Union the Soviets at that time
3. Soyuz 11 June 1971
The failure to remove pressure from the capsule during the landing process system.
Russian Soyuz flight 11 kicked off from the Salyut 1, which is the first space-based mission, but viewing is very sad when they are not dealing with the pressure inside the ordeal properly and the whole crew dies strangled during the landing process
As a result no-pressure processed correctly opened a valve during the landing process led to the leakage of oxygen from the cockpit crew was not wearing a space suit, which led to their death
4. space shuttle challenger in January 1986:
The error was in the mechanical failure during take-off. When the crew began preparing to quit breaking the shuttle into parts after its launch by 73 seconds the center of a large cloud of smoke and fire, which caused the death of Energy shuttle component of 7 Ofradoukd the reason is the presence of O ring, which sealed the enhanced missile place and which has failed to perform its mission which led to the leak fuel incorrectly during rocket and led to the outburst it was repeated with NASA as Be with the Soviets when they ignored warnings supervising engineers on the project which led to the disaster
5. The space shuttle Columbia in February 2003:
It was a satellite crashes in the modern era, which had a wide resonance. The error is a crash during landing. Suddenly and without warning the space shuttle Columbia fell to pieces separate from Asamaae toward the Kennedy Space Center, causing the death of all the astronauts who were on board and the number was 7. circles many thousands of pieces of the shuttle fell on Texas and Louisiana.
The incident occurred as a result of the disintegration of a small parts which Astdinm the left wing of the shuttle reasoned obstruction openings that hot gas out which led to the explosion of the wing and the rest of the shuttle piece by piece

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