Slide show

Tips for a 
Successful Relocation

Because I grew up a “Navy brat,” I had to move around fairly often as a kid. Adulthood brought with it a few more moves as I navigated college and marriage. When I had my children and we’d finally settled into an area where most of our extended family also lived, I thought we were there to stay. I taught fitness classes regularly and helped to supervise the group fitness program. I had several personal training clients and led monthly fitness instructor certification courses. I even presented at the state fitness symposium. I had a well-established reputation in the local fitness industry, and I was comfortable in my career.
And then my husband got a job opportunity we just couldn’t pass up. After 11 years of residential stability, the longest stretch of time I’d achieved in my life, we moved across the country, leaving behind family, friends and that feeling of security that comes from knowing an area and having your place within it.
At some point—because of your career, your spouse’s career, military orders or even just the need for adventure or change—you may find yourself having to relocate. Moving, whether by choice or necessity, is physically, mentally and emotionally stressful. It entails job hunting and building your presence from scratch in a new community. Here are some tips for a successful relocation.
  • Research the fitness landscape in your new town and get a feel for which facilities might be the best fit for your skills.
  • Be confident but also humble about your abilities. You are a stranger to the new facility.
  • Be willing to start as a substitute until a space opens up on the schedule.
  • Ask colleagues for assistance in getting to know the area. Create new friendships.
  • Adapt to foreign policies and be open-minded about shifts and changes.

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